We’ve added Microsoft Bot Framework (MBF) to supported platforms. Now, you can quickly create a bot in our Bot Builder Wizard and connect it to MBF. In turn, using MBF, you can connect the bot to Facebook. While MBF supports other messengers, at this stage we can guarantee that through MBF your Miniapps bot will work with Facebook, Skype and Telegram (don’t forget that Miniapps supports direct integration with Skype and Telegram!).
NEW GADGET: MSISDN verification by number.
“MSISDN is a number uniquely identifying a subscription in a GSM or a UMTS mobile network. Simply put, it is the telephone number to the SIM card in a mobile/cellular phone.”
You can verify your users at any stage of your bot by adding the gadget through Bot Builder Wizard. Click at the upper right corner of a required page and click “Verify Phone Number Gadget”. Your users will be required to call a number in order to be verified and proceed to the next step of your bot.
Please leave us feedback and suggestions at info.miniapps@miniapps.run. More great features to come soon!
– The Miniapps Team